Management Board

Member of the Management Board Anna Katarzyna Brzezińska

A. Brzezińska 268x342.jpg

Biographical note.


Anna Brzezińska, a member of the Management Board of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, oversees the activities of following departments:

  • Department of Public Education and Sports
  • Department of Health and Social Policy

Secretarial office: ul. Jagiellońska 26, 3rd floor, room 336
Telephone: +48 22 5907 831
Fax: +48 22 5907 671

Biographical Overview

Anna Brzezińska is a lawyer, educator, author of legal publications and trainer with 20 years of experience in local government management.

She has served as the long-term chairman of the Social Welfare Centre and has been involved in numerous projects aimed at creating new jobs. Her activities also include supporting people with disabilities, the unemployed, parents and the elderly.

She has been a member of the Sejmik of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship for the 6th and 7th terms of office. Since January 2020, she has chaired the Committee on Economic Development, Infrastructure and Unemployment. As of June 10th, 2024, she holds a position of the Member of the Management Board of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship.

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