Management Board

Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship Adam Struzik

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Biographical note.

Adam Krzysztof Struzik (born on January 1st, 1957 in Kutno) – doctor of medicine, parliamentarian, politician,committed to the communityand self-government. Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland from 1993 to 1997, senator of II, III, and IV tenure, since 2001 – the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship.

Social and professional work

Graduate from the Physician Department of Medical Academy in Lodz. Internal diseases specialist. He completed postgraduate studies in the field of organization and economics of healthcare, as well as managerial studies in the field of public administration at the Management Department of University of Warsaw.

From 1990 to 1997 he was the General Manager of Joint Voivodeship Hospital in Płock. He was a volunteer fireman and member of Voivodeship and General Board of Directors of Union of Voluntary Fire Service in the Republic of Poland.

Political activity

Since 1984 he is a member of The Polish People’s Party, sits on the voivodeship and national authorities of the party. He is Member of the European Peoples’ Party (EPP).  

He was a senator of the Republic of Poland from 1991 to 2001. Chairman of Social and Health Policy  Commission in II tenure of Senate. From 1993 – 1997 he was the Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland. In 1997 he was Vice-Chairman of the National Assembly, which enacted The Constitution of the Republic of Poland.

In 2007 he was elected a Member of Parliament of the VI tenure of Sejm of Republic of Poland, but he resigned from the mandate to keep the seat of the Marshal of Mazowieckie Voivodeship.

Self-government activity

Since 1984 he is committed to self-government activity. Since 1998 he is the Councillor of Mazowieckie Voivodeship. Chairman of the Health and Physical Culture Commission of I tenure of Sejmik of Mazowieckie Voivodeship.

In December 2001 he became the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. In 2007 he was chosen to be the Vice-chairman of the Union of the Voivodeships of the Republic of Poland, the main tasks of which are: support for the idea of territorial self-government, the protection of mutual interests of voivodeships, the aspiration for social and economic development of the polish voivodeships.

He is a member  of the Bureau of the Committee of the Region and works in COTER (Commission for Territorial Cohesion Policy) and ENVE (Environment, Climate Change and Energy)commissions.

Awards and distinctions

For his activity he was honoured with many foreign distinctions. The most important among them are:

 - Commanders of the Order of Leopold (Belgium) – the highest and oldest order of the Kingdom of Belgium awarded to people, who merited for the country (in 2009).

- The Special Order of Governor of Moscow Oblast of Russian Federation Boris Gromow awarded for a huge contribution to the development of foreign economical cooperation between Moscow Oblast and Mazowieckie Voivodeship (in 2008). 

- The National Order of Merit of Republic of France - De GRAND Officier de L’Ordre National du Merite (in 1996). 

- The Order of Honour awarded by Pthe resident of Greece K. Stefanopulus (in 1996).

- Authorities of Keimyung University in South Korea awarded Adam Struzik with the honorary title of foreign affairs professor. 

Among many other polish distinctions he was awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland Bronisław Komorowski for prominent services in work in favour of local communities and achievements in self-government work with Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.

He also received many awards for  achievements in self-government including  “Man of the Polish Self-government” (in 2008),  “Friendly to Entrepreneurs” title, granted by the Council and the Board of the Union of Employers of Warsaw (in 2007) and “The Excellent Leader” (in 2010) – the award  granted by The Committee of Polish Quality Award, which honours efficient management in the company, office or working place.


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